AFCI Locations Show

March 5-7, 2015
Hyatt Regency Century Plaza 2025 Avenue of the Stars
Los Angeles CA 90067

AFCI University Presents an Afternoon Focused on Film Tourism


AFCI University at Locations Show

Wednesday, March 26th from Noon - 4:00pm
Hyatt Regency Century Plaza

Join us for lunch and an afternoon session on the topic that everyone is talking about — Film Tourism. More than 100 million tourists choose their travel destination in part by something they have seen on a screen. Just this week, a study was released that claims one of every five tourists to Florida are influenced by a film or television series. How can your film commission capitalize on this growing trend?

Our event will kick off at noon with a Luncheon Keynote from Dr. Stefan Roesch, author of “The Experience of Film Locations Tourists”. Mr. Roesch — who first joined us on stage at the 2008 Cineposium in Wellington, New Zealand — will provide insight into just what combination of film subject, geography, and industry can convince a family to visit your region.

Then join in on our panel discussion —“Preparing for the Big One” — where film commissioners and tourism leaders will share their experiences in developing a film tourism strategy with a major motion picture.

We will wrap of the session with a presentation on EuroScreen, a partnership of nine organizations across eight different EU regions working together to study the issue of film tourism. Our presenters will share the baseline study of best practices as well as a number of case studies.

Some of the questions we’ll address include:

  • Who are these film tourists?
  • What are the elements needed to attract them?
  • How do you work with the studios?
  • What kind of sponsorships or private-public partnerships may be beneficial?
  • How can smaller productions be used to stimulate local and niche markets?
  • What tools are available to both capture and measure the ROI?

Our speakers include:

  • Gregg Anderson, GM Americas and Europe, Tourism New Zealand
  • Nick Maniatis, Director of New Mexico Film Office
  • Dr. Stefan Roesch, Film Tourism Consultant
  • David Shepheard, Senior Inward Investment Manager at Film London
  • Mikael Svensson, Film Commissioner at Oresund Film Commission Southern Sweden
  • Lee Thomas, Director, Georgia Film, Music & Digital Entertainment

PRICING (Includes Lunch)

$50 until 2/28/14
$75, 3/1/14 to 3/21/14
$100, 3/22/14 to day of…

$100 until 2/28/14
$150, 3/1/14 to 3/21/14
$200, 3/22/14 to day of…

** There will be a limited number of on-site registration openings available…


If you have already registered your exhibitor staff for Locations Show, please call 877.418.2659 or email Brooke at [email protected] to also register for this class.


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