Sebastian Leda
Founder, ParanaFilms
In 2008 Sebastian Leda and director Francisco D’Amorim formed ParanaFilms, a director driven Production Company specializing in the production of highly creative commercials for the Hispanic market. Just one year later, they won a Gold Lion in Cannes for their work in the Argentina New Cinema spots they produced for Conill Saatchi & Saatchi in Los Angeles. With those spots and the following campaigns they have also won a shortlist in Cannes in 2011, 2 FIAP’s in 2010 and 3 FIAP’s in 2011, Gold in Ojo de Iberoamerica as well as finalist in The Cup and Festival del Sol among many others, becoming one of the most awarded production company in the US Hispanic market for both 2010 and 2011. Since 2010 the company expanded to represent several top directors from the iberoamerican market, including Pucho Mentasti, Luciano Urbani, Baby, Marcelo Szechtman, Gazz, Joao Nuno, and Pablo Flehner. And some of ParanaFilms’ biggest clients are Conill Advertising, La Comunidad, Grupo Gallegos, Casanova Pendrill and Bravo NY.