Joe Chianese
Executive Vice President of Entertainment Partners (EP)
Entertainment Partners (EP) is the global leader in entertainment payroll, residuals, tax incentives, finance, and other integrated production management solutions, with 16 offices in the U.S., Canada, London, and Tokyo.
At EP Joe oversees the EP Financial Solutions division which provides advisory, administrative, financial, tax and other consulting services for domestic and international film, television, and commercial productions. Mr. Chianese has over 30 years of accounting, tax, and production experience, and has held senior tax and accounting positions at Sony Pictures Entertainment, The Walt Disney Company, The American Broadcasting Company, Paramount Pictures, and Ernst & Young.
Throughout his career, Mr. Chianese has been responsible for the tax, finance, and production structures for film and television productions in excess of $5 billion, and he is also regarded as one of the leading experts in worldwide production incentives and other government subsidies.
Joe is a CPA with a BBA in Accounting, a Masters in Tax, and an MBA from Fordham University.