Brodie Pringle
Locations Manager, Creative Scotland
Brodie Pringle has 14 years on set locations experience, working across the UK on every imaginable platform and budget. The most recent eight years working as a location manager back home in Scotland. Credits include big budget movies like "WWZ" and "Captain America", medium / low budget independent films like "Under the Skin" and "Outcast" as well as high end TV drama such as "Dr. Who" and "Silent Witness". Now seven months into the role at Creative Scotland, Brodie is actively seeking opportunties to transfer her industry skills into putting together the right locations package for incoming enquiries, whatever the ask and whatever the budget.
The Creative Scotland Locations team have a wealth of experience and knowledge of the country and its terrain as well as the on the ground contacts you want and need to really make a shoot happen.
Brodie Pringle's Seminars
Shooting Film and TV in the UK: A Whistle Stop Tour Around the Nations of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland & Wales.