AFCI Locations Show

June 15 - 16, 2012
LA Convention Center 1201 S Figueroa St
Los Angeles CA 90015-1399

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Variety BRIC Summit: The Opportunity for Ancillary Market Business in Emerging Markets

Friday, June 15, 2012
4:00PM to 4:45PM
Space Available
Petree C
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BRIC nations have been a hotbed for theatrical revenue growth over the last 10 years, but ancillary market business, spanning DVD, TV sales and digital, is still fledgling here. However, the explosion of digital platforms and growing broadband access in BRIC nations is creating exciting potential for a thriving ancillary marketplace. Top studio digital distributors as well as their technology service partners will talk about current inroads and challenges in building a post-theatrical BRIC infrastructure.

Note: This session is presented by Variety and must be registered for separately from the AFCI Locations Show. Click Here to Register

About the Speaker(s)

T Paul Miller

SVP, Worldwide Commercial, Sony Pictures Entertainment

Logan Mulvey

CEO of GoDigital