AFCI Locations Show

June 15 - 16, 2012
LA Convention Center 1201 S Figueroa St
Los Angeles CA 90015-1399

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BEYOND CINEMA: "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo"

Cean Chaffin, Eliot Kotek
Friday, June 15, 2012
3:00PM to 4:00PM
Space Available
Petree D
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In 2012, the AFCI will launch its new industry publication, BEYOND CINEMA which will focus on aspects of filmmaking (production and creative) that are of interest to the general consumer as well as the established industry. This is not a publication just about Film Commissions or even just about Film Commission work, but addresses the culture, the process and the social relevance of movies. To celebrate the launch of the publication, the AFCI will be hosting a small number of exclusive sessions on movie making, with movie makers. Through a discussion about the film rather than the location, we are attempting to stimulate a different kind of dialogue - an artistic dialogue about movies – that we believe will be of more interest to the filmmaking community than dry presentations about a film location’s offering or its incentives.

To kick of this program, we are delighted to announce a unique session on the filming of the best selling novel The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Sponsored by the Swedish Embassy in Los Angeles, in this session we will meet both Cean Chaffin, producer of David Fincher’s English language version, and a member of the production team of the Swedish version. We’ll discuss the differences between US and European films in terms of funding models, filmmaker approach, working practices, choice of locations and experiences during production.

About the Speaker(s)

Cean Chaffin

Credits include: “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo”, “The Social Network”, “The Curious Case Benjamin Button”, “Zodiac”, “Panic Room”, “Fight Club”, and “The Game”.

View Cean's Profile

Eliot Kotek

Editor-in-chief of Beyond Cinema Magazine and, and entertainment correspondent for ABC Radio.