Exhibit At The Show

Locations Show 2012 will provide you with an exceptional platform to showcase your Film Commission, Business or Service. You’ll make real contacts that can result in real business.

What’s new this year? We listened closely to what you said you wanted, and we’ve made it all happen!!

  • It’s free for your clients to attend – with pre-registration to help ensure that attendees are credentialed professionals in their respective fields.
  • Booth spaces are 56% larger than 2011 with no increase in pricing. Each booth unit will be 10’ x 10’ (3.048 m x 3.048 m). Multiple stand/booth purchases are available.
  • New options for Exhibitors, from traditional stands/booths to desk displays designed to maximize value and networking opportunities.
  • Online Booth application and registration processes – choose your booth location—no waiting for assignments while you wonder where you’ll be placed. And, you can use the a la carte booth “menu” to customize your booth for your needs.
  • Expanded presence on the Locations Show Website – you can choose from enhancement packages that will make you stand out in the “Exhibits” section online.
  • Set up meetings and appointments with pre-registered attendees through your online booth listing.
  • A layout and venue plan that specifically traffics event attendees through the exhibit in a way to maximize your exposure.
  • A staggered schedule of conferences, seminars and workshops that will allow more and longer periods for networking.
  • Improved on-site communication for attendees to inform them about activities, special offers and exhibitor promotions.

For more information and to discuss your potential participation at the show, please contact Elyse Gammer at +1-323-461-2324 x 6 or email [email protected].